
Hospitals will need to raise rates, cut costs and implement “transformational” change to combat inflationary-driven pressures that are damaging margins and setting back the sector’s COVID-19 pandemic recovery, according to a Fitch Ratings report. “Not-for-profit hospital operating margins, which declined during the pandemic, will see further erosion due to ongoing inflationary pressures of elevated labor,
Climate mitigation efforts in cities with high risks of flooding will pay less in bond and insurance premiums if measures are taken to curb such activity. That’s according to a recent paper by Anya Nakhmurina, assistant professor of accounting at Yale School of Management and Shirley Lu, assistant professor at Harvard Business School’s accounting and
Despite resolving the largest bankruptcy in municipal market history, issues with the local government and questions over economic growth cloud Puerto Rico’s future, analysts and Oversight Board officials say. The Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act helped restructure Puerto Rico’s debt and made some progress in budget reform, Center for a New Economy
Municipals were steady to weaker in spots Tuesday as the $800-million-plus general obligation bond deal from the state of Washington took focus in the primary. U.S. Treasuries were weaker and equities rallied. Triple-A yields rose a basis point while UST saw yields rise again, as much as five to six, with larger losses on the
Municipal bond fund flows have a direct impact on borrowing decisions made by issuers held in the fund, argues an academic paper presented Tuesday at Brookings Municipal Finance Conference that sheds light on the little-studied question. But the relationship may appear less clear in the real-world experiences of some market participants. The impact, if any,
Final financing deals are nearly complete for two long-planned commuter rail projects billed as transformational for the Northwest Indiana corridor that sits in the shadow of Chicago along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Both Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District projects achieved major milestones in June. The Indiana Finance Authority closed on a $203.3 million federal Railroad
A ballot initiative that would have raised taxes on wealthy Californians to fund pandemic prevention and public health programs will appear on the 2024 ballot. Max Henderson, the startup investor who led efforts, told California Healthline they delayed the measure, because concerns about COVID-19 are being crowded out by economic pressures. “Our goal was to
Transcription:Chip Barnett: (00:03)Hi and welcome to another Bond Buyer podcast. I’m Chip Barnett. My guest today is Tom Wright. He’s the president and chief executive officer of the Regional Plan Association. The Regional Plan Association is the nation’s oldest independent metropolitan research planning and advocacy organization. The RPA is a private nonprofit corporation, which aims
Municipals were little changed Monday as investors awaited a larger new-issue calendar that kicks off with $800 million-plus Washington general obligation bonds in the competitive market Tuesday. Munis ignored the moves to higher yields in U.S. Treasuries while equities were down. Triple-A yields were steady while USTs moved three to eight basis points higher. Muni
After dancing with default on a June municipal bond payment, the owners of American Dream megamall in New Jersey face an Aug. 1 payment on another set of tax-exempts. Two separate municipal bond offerings sold through conduit Public Finance Authority helped finance the mall. The largest, $800 million of limited obligation PILOT revenue bonds, stumbled
Investors are continuing their flight from mutual fund investments, as individual investors and tax-exempt exchange traded funds take up more of the market share. That’s according to a recent mid-year market update from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. “The supply/demand equation changed rapidly, as mutual funds, the largest buyer of municipal bonds, especially in the